Saturday, June 6, 2020

Development Theories Coursework - 550 Words

Development Theories Coursework (Coursework Sample) Content: NameCourseProfessorInstitutionCity, StateDateTable of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Erikson's psychosocial development theory PAGEREF _Toc386746226 \h 3Trust versus Mistrust PAGEREF _Toc386746227 \h 3Autonomy versus Shame and Doubt PAGEREF _Toc386746228 \h 3Initiative versus Guilt PAGEREF _Toc386746229 \h 3Industry versus Inferiority PAGEREF _Toc386746230 \h 3Identity versus Confusion PAGEREF _Toc386746231 \h 4Intimacy versus Isolation PAGEREF _Toc386746232 \h 4Generativist versus Stagnation PAGEREF _Toc386746233 \h 4Integrity versus Despair PAGEREF _Toc386746234 \h 4Psychoanalytic (by Freud) PAGEREF _Toc386746235 \h 4Erikson's psychosocial development theoryTheory is based on how the society influences a person's sense of ego and his quest for identity. In this theory the Society is a positive force which nurtures the development of one's self. In each stage Erikson shows a crisis which is in form of different gradually increasing conflicts. Each stage represents a key period where certain problems have to get solved for the person to get to maturity.Here are the stages in Erikson's psychosocial development theory:Trust versus MistrustFrom birth to 12 months the infant grows a sense of confidence for the world. If the persons in charge are attentive, it will have trust in the world. Otherwise, the baby will grow a sense of fear.Autonomy versus Shame and DoubtFrom the 12th month to 3 years the kid focuses on toilet training  and they learn to control their body processes. They start learning to be independentInitiative versus Guilt3 to 6 years he begins to try new things and learns not to get afraid of failure. They get involved in social interaction. Not resolving this crisis can make him have self-doubt, a lack of initiative and guilt.Industry versus InferiorityFrom 5-11 years the child gets to know about cultural values. He may have a sense of pride in his abilities or acquire inferiority feelings and start doubting his abilities to succe ed.Identity versus ConfusionThis lasts from puberty till the early adulthood where he seeks to establish his own personality, and it can lead to independence and control or he can become a person who is insecure and confused about the future.Intimacy versus IsolationThis occurs in early adulthood where the most important thing is one's personal relationships.. One may be filled with isolation feelings and loneliness and this can lead to depression.Generativist versus StagnationThis occurs at the middle adulthood where one is engrossed in establishing the new generation. At this stage he will be concerned with building a life, family and a career. If one lacks those characteristics he may feel isolated, inactive and may lack purpose and pr...

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